Blend human talents with AI for Retail Performance

Blend human talents with AI for Retail Performance

Blend human talents with AI for Retail Performance

4 in 5 consumers

who haven’t yet tried AI for shopping would like to use it to research products, look for deals, ask questions, and resolve issues.

Source : IBM Revolutionize Retail with AI, January 2024

Experts in Commercial Activation for over 40 years, Altavia has created Altavia.AIr.

Altavia.AIr offers retail players support in defining and deploying a customized AI strategy, with a primary objective: enhancing commercial performance.

Thanks to our proprietary solutions to massify content production, personalize the on- and off-line customer experience, improve the operational execution of sales activation or through training sessions and co-design of your AI strategy, our experts will be able to guide you according to your challenges.

Our services


Identify use cases related to your business
Co-build your AI roadmap.


Generate multimodal content with AI.


Train your teams and upgrade their AI skills.


Develop and integrate generative & predictive AI solutions in your workflows.

Already 3 exclusive Altavia AI-Retail services to provide to you

Based on our clients’ needs, we have developed 3 APIsable solutions:

Genair is an Altavia solution for massifying the generation of assets (images, content, videos) and boosting conversion rate.

Genair stands out for its ability to simplify the process of generating visual or editorial assets while respecting your graphic charter and your technical constraints.

AI-coach will improve your shoppers’ experience by providing them with ultra-personalized coaching or services which will boost your business. You will gain deeper knowledge of your clients and their consumption habits.

altavia.aiffinity allows your clients to more easily find the product they are looking for on your website; thus, altavia.aiffinity improves your user experience and increases your conversion rate.

altavia.aiffinity is a virtual agent that complements your search engine and integrates easily with all e-commerce sites.

Thanks to our first customers for their trust

Find out more about how AI can boost your performance?