a proactive group
a proactive group
a proactive group
Our business model
Analysing our impacts
allows us to better target our action plans.
Our partners
Altavia works with a wide and diverse range of suppliers, from very small businesses to major European groups in the paper industry. We are committed to a responsible purchasing policy and to a duty of care based on respect for fundamental principles (human rights, labour standards, resource conservation, combating corruption).
Our employees
Our group promotes a policy of diversity and equality, and places great importance on identifying and developing talents within an optimum working environment. Our commitment has only increased at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is deepening inequalities and aggravating vulnerabilities.
Our environment
The primary goal is to control the environmental impact of our activity by reducing paper, water and energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and waste production. This approach applies to our entire value chain, from production to delivery, as well as in our offices.
Our business model
Analysing our impacts
allows us to better target our action plans.
Our business model
Analysing our impacts
allows us to better target our action plans.
Our partners
Altavia works with a wide and diverse range of suppliers, from very small businesses to major European groups in the paper industry. We are committed to a responsible purchasing policy and to a duty of care based on respect for fundamental principles (human rights, labour standards, resource conservation, combating corruption).
Our employees
Our group promotes a policy of diversity and equality, and places great importance on identifying and developing talents within an optimum working environment. Our commitment has only increased at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is deepening inequalities and aggravating vulnerabilities.
Our environment
The primary goal is to control the environmental impact of our activity by reducing paper, water and energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and waste production. This approach applies to our entire value chain, from production to delivery, as well as in our offices.
Our partners
Altavia works with a wide and diverse range of suppliers, from very small businesses to major European groups in the paper industry. We are committed to a responsible purchasing policy and to a duty of care based on respect for fundamental principles (human rights, labour standards, resource conservation, combating corruption).
Our employees
Our group promotes a policy of diversity and equality, and places great importance on identifying and developing talents within an optimum working environment. Our commitment has only increased at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is deepening inequalities and aggravating vulnerabilities.
Our environment
The primary goal is to control the environmental impact of our activity by reducing paper, water and energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and waste production. This approach applies to our entire value chain, from production to delivery, as well as in our offices.
Altavia: a long-standing member
of the UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact helps companies structure their sustainable development policy around 10 fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Creation of the UN Global Compact.
Altavia becomes a member of the Global Compact.
Publication of our first COP.
Launch of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Altavia obtains “Advanced” level.
Altavia: a long-standing member
of the UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact helps companies structure their sustainable development policy around 10 fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Creation of the UN Global Compact.
Altavia becomes a member of the Global Compact.
Publication of our first COP.
Launch of the 17
Sustainable Development Goals
Altavia obtains “Advanced” level.
Altavia: a long-standing member of the UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact helps companies structure their sustainable development policy around 10 fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Creation of the UN Global Compact.
Altavia becomes a member of the Global Compact.
Publication of our first COP.
Launch of the 17
Sustainable Development Goals
Altavia obtains “Advanced” level.
Commitment to 5 SDGs
The Altavia group has set 5 priorities
in line with its activities, its major impacts
and its expertise in order to make a positive contribution to its ecosystem.
Commitment to 5 SDGs
The Altavia group has set 5 priorities in line with its activities, its major impacts and its expertise in order to make a positive contribution to its ecosystem.
Commitment to 5 SDGs
The Altavia group has set 5 priorities in line with its activities, its major impacts and its expertise in order to make a positive contribution to its ecosystem.
We contribute to the sustainable development of the regions where we operate through our Human Capital and our business relations.
We encourage inclusion and place the priority on partnerships with local companies.
We launched Altavia Foundation in 2020.
Its aim is to endorse professional integration by helping those with difficulty finding work to launch their own micro-commerce or micro-business.
Thanks to our offerings and services we encourage our customers to choose responsible alternatives by following the principles of eco-design, from creative ideas to end of life for communication media.
In line with the Paris Agreement, we have undertaken a process of transformation that involves all our employees and external partners in order to one day become a zero-carbon group.
The drastic erosion of biodiversity causes imbalances, such as the emergence of zoonoses like COVID-19.
We seek to protect forests, notably by stepping up requirements with regard to our wood-based supplies.
Altavia is committed to maintaining high standards, fostering an environment where trust flourishes.
The purpose of this policy is to describe the various stages in the handling of an alert, to present the various guarantees offered to the author of an alert, and to ensure that appropriate measures are implemented.

Altavia is committed to maintaining high standards, fostering an environment where trust flourishes.
The purpose of this policy is to describe the various stages in the handling of an alert, to present the various guarantees offered to the author of an alert, and to ensure that appropriate measures are implemented.

Altavia is committed to maintaining high standards, fostering an environment where trust flourishes.
The purpose of this policy is to describe the various stages in the handling of an alert, to present the various guarantees offered to the author of an alert, and to ensure that appropriate measures are implemented.