In celebration of the “Semaine du Don en Nature” (Goods to Give Week), the Agence du Don en Nature hosted a debate on the topic of generosity. The association also spoke about its operations from the previous year, its upcoming projects to help those most in need, and its 2016 annual report, which was written and produced by Altavia.
Stéphanie Goujon, Director of Agence du Don en Nature, opened the debate held on 23 March to mark Goods to Give Week by speaking about her goals. They included expanding the association to further promote social responsibility, developing partnerships with companies, and increasing its profile among the general public to collect even more products for those most in need. These goals are in keeping with the agency’s actions in 2016. “Our social work programme has grown substantially”, said Christian Ringuet, President of the association. “In 2016, we collected and redistributed 600,000 euros worth of products every week through our partnerships with 130 companies.” Agence du Don en Nature was able to assist no fewer than 900,000 people.
Aiming higher
“The data on poverty show us how much more work there is to do”, said Christian Ringuet. “Nine million people live below the poverty line. This pushes us to aim higher every day!” With this in mind, Agence du Don en Nature recently broadened its scope to include individuals by launching the shared basket programme in collaboration with Carrefour last autumn. Carrefour was chosen deliberately for this partnership; indeed, the retail giant has worked with the association for many years. In 2016, “Carrefour donated 100,000 products to Agence du Don en Nature”, explained Sophie Fourchy, Director of the Carrefour Foundation, who represented the group at the event.
The shared basket: an innovative and promising concept
The shared basket initiative started on Greenweez, Carrefour’s organic e-commerce site. It gives customers the option of buying an item for someone in need when they buy groceries online.
The shared basket is an innovative solution and a promising way to increase donation volume according to a survey conducted by OpinionWay (see below) that found that 66% of French people were willing to make a donation when purchasing something online.

The Agence du Don en Nature annual report, produced par Altavia.
During the event, Agence du Don en Nature also presented its 2016 annual report, which was produced by Altavia. Altavia has been a partner of the association since its founding in 2009.
The French are generous…with their friends and family.
As part of a debate and evening event centred on the question: “Generosity in a society of hyper-consumption: a paradox?”, Frédéric Micheau, OpinionWay, and Philippe Moati, economist and co-President of ObSoCo, presented a report on the generosity of the French.
At first glance, the French give easily, since 83% consider themselves generous according to a survey presented by Frédéric Micheau. What’s more, 92% of those surveyed report being generous during the past year, including 52% who donated products. However, the French were especially generous with their friends and family (84%). Philippe Moati confirmed this tendency of the French to be generous towards people within their “inner circle”: “Seventy-nine percent of French people report donating an object that belonged to them once in the past year. However, the majority gave it to a friend or family member.” According to the economist, these figures need to be put in perspective because “between 2004 and 2014, financial donations increased by 4.9%, whereas the vast majority of people tend more towards donating items”.