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Keep up with our latest news and insights from our international network of retail experts.

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Altavia ans WONE-Digital-Performance-Agency

Altavia announces the acquisition of WONE a Data-driven Digital Performance & Social Media Agency

Altavia announces the acquisition of WONE a Data-driven Digital Performance & Social Media Agency 1920 1080 Altavia

Paris, October 2, 2024 – Altavia Group, the leading independent Retail Marketing Services company, acquires WONE Digital Performance & Social Media Agency, strengthening its presence in the Middle East and…

Altavia acquires D-Aim Africa, a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialist

Altavia acquires D-Aim Africa, a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialist.

Altavia acquires D-Aim Africa, a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialist. 2028 1140 Altavia

Paris, September 27, 2024 – Altavia, the leading independent Retail Marketing Services company, announces the strategic acquisition of D-aim Africa, a pioneer in Predictive Marketing, to reinforce its Customer Data practice.…

Altavia launches Altavia AIR

Altavia launches Altavia AIR 2560 2560 Altavia

A new offer dedicated to Artificial Intelligence to boost business performance. Altavia, the leading marketing and communications group specializing in retail for over 40 years, is proud to announce the…

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC 2560 1707 Altavia

Sunday, April 28: Start of “The Transat CIC”, the penultimate solo transatlantic race before the Vendée Globe! The Transat CIC represents the epitome of solo ocean racing. It’s a challenge…

Altavia ans WONE-Digital-Performance-Agency

Altavia announces the acquisition of WONE a Data-driven Digital Performance & Social Media Agency

Altavia announces the acquisition of WONE a Data-driven Digital Performance & Social Media Agency 1920 1080 Altavia

Paris, October 2, 2024 – Altavia Group, the leading independent Retail Marketing Services company, acquires WONE Digital Performance & Social Media Agency, strengthening its presence in the Middle East and…

Altavia acquires D-Aim Africa, a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialist

Altavia acquires D-Aim Africa, a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialist.

Altavia acquires D-Aim Africa, a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialist. 2028 1140 Altavia

Paris, September 27, 2024 – Altavia, the leading independent Retail Marketing Services company, announces the strategic acquisition of D-aim Africa, a pioneer in Predictive Marketing, to reinforce its Customer Data practice.…

Altavia launches Altavia AIR

Altavia launches Altavia AIR 2560 2560 Altavia

A new offer dedicated to Artificial Intelligence to boost business performance. Altavia, the leading marketing and communications group specializing in retail for over 40 years, is proud to announce the…

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC 2560 1707 Altavia

Sunday, April 28: Start of “The Transat CIC”, the penultimate solo transatlantic race before the Vendée Globe! The Transat CIC represents the epitome of solo ocean racing. It’s a challenge…

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Les insights de nos experts retail

The garden industry on pins and needles 1024 683 Altavia

The garden industry on pins and needles

The love that French have for gardening is no secret and the numbers prove it: nine out of ten French people have a small corner to cultivate, seven of whom own a full garden. More than one million acres of garden is planted. While each amateur gardener spends on average 290€ per year. This passion…

Local initiatives combating food shortages 1024 683 Altavia

Local initiatives combating food shortages

The fear of a food crisis is spreading around the world. Uncertainty about food supply may trigger a wave of export restrictions, “likely to lead to a shortage on the world market,” as the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) warned in a joint…

COVID-19: Unprecedented collaborations in the retail sector 1024 391 Altavia

COVID-19: Unprecedented collaborations in the retail sector

A HIGH TENSION SITUATION In lieu of the coronavirus health, social and global crisis, the retail food sector is subject to unprecedented tension: more motivated than ever, it is and will remain the main source of basic necessities. However, the variety of protective measures implemented for employee benefit, such as threats to retirement rights, the…

UCO of the week: Greyston Bakery 1024 683 Altavia

UCO of the week: Greyston Bakery

Founded in 1982 by aeronautical engineer turned Buddhist monk Bernie Glassman, the Greyston Bakery social enterprise, specialising in baked goods preparation, is committed to providing jobs and professional training to those who experience difficulty finding work. A revolutionary recruitment policy The Open Hiring® program launched by Greyston Bakery is based on the idea of investing…

The UCO of the week: Lidl Micromarket 2560 1593 Altavia

The UCO of the week: Lidl Micromarket

Lidl recently launched a new communications campaign known as the Lidl Micromarket in Sweden, the idea being to encourage its most loyal customers to host a 100% Lidl meal for friends at home.   Open a small Lidl store at home and you, too, could become a ‘Lidler’! This is the unique opportunity that the…

Intermarché changes the recipes for 900 products for Yuka 1366 629 Altavia

Intermarché changes the recipes for 900 products for Yuka

Intermarché decided to change the recipes for 900 products to reflect the profound need on the part of customers for transparency and their desire to eat better, the aim being to obtain better scores on Yuka. An important announcement in the food retail industry.   Created in January 2017, Yuka already has 11 million users, scanning…

Retail: an uplifting dynamic of solidarity during the pandemic 1677 1119 Altavia

Retail: an uplifting dynamic of solidarity during the pandemic

The global pandemic has brought economies to a halt and imposed strict health rules on the entire retail market. Non-essential shops had to close up for an indefinite period of time. Once the shock has passed, a period of reorganisation began, marked by the introduction of health protocols, but at the same time, by the…

Deploying Survival Strategies 1024 432 Altavia

Deploying Survival Strategies

The INSEE statistics are irrefutable: the measures to protect a large part of the French economy from the spread of COVID-19 has resulted in a 36% drop in economic activity. We are compelled to note a serious earthquake, a society in permanent turmoil, now at a standstill. We are plunged into a supply crisis, due…

How to rethink the in store experience after the pandemic? 1024 598 Altavia

How to rethink the in store experience after the pandemic?

In France, as everywhere else in the world, physical trade has been devastated by the pandemic, due to the various lockdown measures implemented by governments. The majority of shops meeting “essential needs” (food, convenience store, etc.) have remained open, but the experience is radically different, whether from the customers’ or employees’ point of view. Numerous…

E-commerce during the COVID-19: what to observe today, and to learn for tomorrow? 1024 683 Altavia

E-commerce during the COVID-19: what to observe today, and to learn for tomorrow?

The global health crisis is undeniably impacting consumer habits in all countries concerned. The closure of so-called “non-essential” businesses has created offsetting effects on the various ways to sell products and services. A company’s capacity to adapt digitally as well as their flexibility in general, are proving to be key data for business survival and…

Maintaining customer connection beyond the physical shop 1024 683 Altavia

Maintaining customer connection beyond the physical shop

In the current pandemic situation, where the constraint of health measures is complicating the act of purchasing and where the fear of catching the Coronavirus is a concern for many customers, services that limit or even eliminate contact are thriving. Delivery and drive: keeping the connection by being creative The pandemic has forced physical shops…

With Sheep Inc, buy a jumper, adopt a sheep 1024 463 Altavia

With Sheep Inc, buy a jumper, adopt a sheep

The DNVB Sheep Inc. is stirring up the much-decried fast fashion industry by claiming its status as a negative impact brand. The new English label sources its wool from farms in New Zealand that use regenerative farming methods and offers a new connection with sheep. Fast Fashion, Fossil Fashion Called to stand before the court…

Retail: an uplifting dynamic of solidarity during the pandemic 1677 1119 Altavia

Retail: an uplifting dynamic of solidarity during the pandemic

The global pandemic has brought economies to a halt and imposed strict health rules on the entire retail market. Non-essential shops had to close up for an indefinite period of time. Once the shock has passed, a period of reorganisation began, marked by the introduction of health protocols, but at the same time, by the…

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