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Keep up with our latest news and insights from our international network of retail experts.


Keep up with our latest news and insights from our international network of retail experts.

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Altavia launches Altavia AIR

Altavia launches Altavia AIR 2560 2560 Altavia

A new offer dedicated to Artificial Intelligence to boost business performance. Altavia, the leading marketing and communications group specializing in retail for over 40 years, is proud to announce the…

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC 2560 1707 Altavia

Sunday, April 28: Start of “The Transat CIC”, the penultimate solo transatlantic race before the Vendée Globe! The Transat CIC represents the epitome of solo ocean racing. It’s a challenge…

NRF 2024 : immerse yourself in the future of retail

NRF 2024 : immerse yourself in the future of retail 2560 1707 Altavia

NRF 2024 : immerse yourself in the future of retail Every year, the retail world gathers in NYC for Retail’s Big Show, organized by the National Retail Federation (NRF), the…

Altavia Group announces the sale of Blue Lions a pan-African digital communications agency.

Altavia Group announces the sale of Blue Lions a pan-African digital communications agency. 1920 1080 Altavia

Altavia Group, the world’s leading network dedicated to commercial communications for the retail sector, announces the sale of the Blue Lions communications agency. Established on the African continent since 2015,…

Altavia launches Altavia AIR

Altavia launches Altavia AIR 2560 2560 Altavia

A new offer dedicated to Artificial Intelligence to boost business performance. Altavia, the leading marketing and communications group specializing in retail for over 40 years, is proud to announce the…

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC

STAND AS ONE Altavia at the start of The Transat CIC 2560 1707 Altavia

Sunday, April 28: Start of “The Transat CIC”, the penultimate solo transatlantic race before the Vendée Globe! The Transat CIC represents the epitome of solo ocean racing. It’s a challenge…

NRF 2024 : immerse yourself in the future of retail

NRF 2024 : immerse yourself in the future of retail 2560 1707 Altavia

NRF 2024 : immerse yourself in the future of retail Every year, the retail world gathers in NYC for Retail’s Big Show, organized by the National Retail Federation (NRF), the…

Altavia Group announces the sale of Blue Lions a pan-African digital communications agency.

Altavia Group announces the sale of Blue Lions a pan-African digital communications agency. 1920 1080 Altavia

Altavia Group, the world’s leading network dedicated to commercial communications for the retail sector, announces the sale of the Blue Lions communications agency. Established on the African continent since 2015,…

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Insights from our retail experts

Les insights de nos experts retail

Les français et la consommation responsable
The French and responsible consumption 1677 1119 Altavia

The French and responsible consumption

We’ve been living on credit since Wednesday 2 August. According to calculations by the Global Footprint Network NGO, this was “Earth Overshoot Day” for 2017: the date by which mankind had consumed as many natural resources as the planet can renew in an entire year. The French people are increasingly aware of the ecological emergency…

car-sharing economy in China.
QR codes, big data, facial recognition, data sharing, user predictive behavior assessment to fuel the young car-sharing economy in China. 1678 1119 Altavia

QR codes, big data, facial recognition, data sharing, user predictive behavior assessment to fuel the young car-sharing economy in China.

Like anything else in China, local companies are not afraid of getting into a massive fight with the same idea in order to get market share; not afraid at all to share the cake. As a result, exactly the same way we saw dozens of bike-sharing companies budding for the last year, more than 30…

Offline stores in China are all but not dead… 1678 1119 Altavia

Offline stores in China are all but not dead…

As rightly written in China daily recently, not only Alibaba but also its main competitor, are going full steam in opening physical stores in China. Both of them do not just open stores like classic / old fashion offline retailers… they leverage on the online data they have accumulated and turn their physical stores…

Alibaba wants to change the way we shop for fresh food off and online 2048 1536 Altavia

Alibaba wants to change the way we shop for fresh food off and online

Here comes Hema Market (盒马集市) Despite its US $ 150 Million investment Alibaba has been quite low-key running the Hema Markets chain… Hema Market (盒马集市) is a rather premium, fresh offline chain here in Shanghai that refuses to label itself as a “supermarket” but rather as an “e-commerce experience store”. Hema Market is like an…

food consumption trends
What impact do new food consumption trends have on retail? 1677 1119 Altavia

What impact do new food consumption trends have on retail?

    According to Social Food, 79% of French people in 2017 think that food can cause health problems.   So they look for certification and methods of consumption that give them control over what they eat.   According to Social Food again, 65% of them eat ORGANIC products on a regular basis. In addition…

Decathlon puts an end to all the phygital fantasies 1370 1079 Altavia

Decathlon puts an end to all the phygital fantasies

  Are they an enduring innovation or a temporarily trendy idea? Do they benefit customers or are they just another technological gadget? Each month, Bruno Auret, an expert on digital commerce and the founder and CEO of Blackwood Digital, takes a critical look at digital innovation in retail.   There has been much talk about the…

Alibaba has entered the serious multi billion business of RT-Mart hypermarkets stores. 1985 1185 Altavia

Alibaba has entered the serious multi billion business of RT-Mart hypermarkets stores.

  For the last 2 years, with its 40 Hema stores, Alibaba has learned a lot about physical retail. It was a good warm up. No offense to Hema stores, but we need a dozen of them to match the sales of a large hypermarket.   So, Alibaba, for the last 4 months has changed…

Nathalie Lemière
Nathalie Lemière: heart of a finisher, a story of resilience 2560 1440 Altavia

Nathalie Lemière: heart of a finisher, a story of resilience

Nathalie Lemière took part in the Paris Marathon with her colleagues from Altavia. She is from Normandy. She loves sailing. She is always looking for the next challenge to tackle. Nathalie Lemière, who joined the paper purchasing division at Altavia two years ago, has suffered from a heart defect since 2005. To strengthen her heart,…

Logistique Alibaba
Logistics battle : Alibaba 1, Tencent 0. 1827 1028 Altavia

Logistics battle : Alibaba 1, Tencent 0.

In the ultimate goal of “owning the customer” Alibaba may have won the logistics battle, if not the war, against its rival Tencent. The first battle between these two mastodons was to build and drive online traffic… Well, with 1 billion users for WeChat and $25 billion of goods sold in 24 hours during the…

L’art du storytelling
The art of storytelling 1678 1119 Altavia

The art of storytelling

  Everyone’s talking about technological innovation. How it is transforming the world of retail, removing the barrier of time, and giving people access to a huge choice of products, very quickly and easily. This technological innovation, which makes it possible to customize baskets, bags, clothes, etc. But today, it has almost become the norm. So…

Raid Amazones: for Sophie Vaux, “It’s all about being together and helping one another” 1600 1067 Altavia

Raid Amazones: for Sophie Vaux, “It’s all about being together and helping one another”

  In October Sophie Vaux took part in the Raid Amazones in Sri Lanka. The account manager relished the challenge and togetherness of the adventure race. She tells us more about her love for sport and readiness to leave her comfort zone.   How did you get to where you are now? I was working…

Etienne St Denis
Étienne St-Denis, a passion for words 1677 1119 Altavia

Étienne St-Denis, a passion for words

CloudRaker’s Creative Director Étienne St-Denis has had a passion for writing since he was 16. Four years ago, he published his first novel, “L’absence”. We look back on a rich and diverse career, shaped by decisive encounters, in which writing eventually took centre stage.   Could you tell us a little about your career? I…

Meituan: a risky gamble on the future 1677 1119 Altavia

Meituan: a risky gamble on the future

Super applications such as WeChat –TenCent–, Alipay –Alibaba– and Meituan are very popular in China   Although Alibaba and Tencent are now well known to the European general public, the same cannot be said for another Chinese giant, founded in 2010: Meituan. The start-up, which is now a member of the highly exclusive “super apps”…

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